"My Reflection for the 3rd Quarter"

        This quarter, we have learned new things such as writing a Community-based project, its importance and the uses of sitemaps. Because we have learned about Community-based projects, it has made me learn more about my community, in its business, places, and also its history.

        The weeks spent during 3rd quarter had a little more problems than the past quarters. Mostly because of power disruption, not allowing me to work on all of my modules. There were also a lot more celebrations within my family that I prioritize first. I have also struggled on understanding some concepts, but with the help of the internet as well as my family and friends, they were able to help me through it and have made me understand.

        I shall continue to work hard, as next is the 4th and final quarter of this schoolyear. Just a bit more. Endure and work hard a little bit longer. 


  • https://www.eebew.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/seo-sitemap-710x400.png


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