With the government announcing quarantine methods and ordering people to stay at their homes to stop the spread of the virus and slow the pandemic, business and schools have started shutting down as well. Parents and teachers around the world are worried for the education of the students and children. During these difficult times, education systems around the world have started to brainstorm on how to give quality education to students during quarantine.

            The education systems have announce home-schooling and online classes as a solution. Now, this has its advantages, because the students have access to information on the internet, and it encourages them to stay at home. But there are also challenges faced with this solution. There are students who can't access the internet and also some who don't have the proper equipment and/or gadgets for online schooling. Such as also on how to keep students motivated on their lessons. Though these can be solved as long as they get in touch with the teachers and inform them of their situation. the teachers and the student will then figure out what to do from there. Those who can't access the internet can use data or go old-school and use books or modules as references.

        Nevertheless, home-schooling and online classes due to the outbreak of Covid-19 is all well and good, but it needs the communication and proactive approach between both student and teachers. We can't just put off our education because of the given unfortunate situation. Use tools at our disposal, and stay positive that things will get better, bring out ideas for a more quality education for the students and the future generation.

Citation and Reference:

  • Chris Petrie, Katija Aladin, Pukhraj Ranjan, Romayne, Javangwe, Danny Gilliland, Saku Tuominen, Leponiemi Lasse; “Spotlight: Quality education for all during Covid-19 crisis” (2020); https://hundred.org/en/research
  • Jordan Friedman; “Tackle Challenges of Online Classes due to COVID-19” (May 2020); https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-to-overcome-challenges-of-online-classes-due-to-coronavirus?rec-type=sailthru
  • https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Findianexpress.com%2Farticle%2Fopinion%2Fcolumns%2Fschooling-in-times-of-coronavirus-online-education-e-learning-6410258%2F&psig=AOvVaw04SKOpdklXSxjqKk7Obept&ust=1604653099389000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKiwvO6E6-wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
  • https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insidehighered.com%2Fnews%2F2017%2F06%2F12%2Fstudy-questions-effectiveness-online-education-risk-students&psig=AOvVaw1VOIS-QhWKXifuHKuSfWtp&ust=1604653109872000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCID8l_iE6-wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD


  1. I agree with your statements and I agree that we should be more positive instead of being sad and frustrated. We should not let bad things get to us, especially during right now. Good luck on the next!

  2. Hey Jade, you did a good job in voicing out your suggestions/opinions pertaining to the present educational handling during the pandemic. Albeit may be difficult since it lacks in physical performance, it is true that we should comply and make the most of our time learning instead of doing nothing. I just sincerely hope that the people in charge of our education know what is absolutely best for us because I have observed many doubtful things they have advocated in recent days. Anyways, good luck to us all and may God bless you!

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. Hey Alyssa, I get a bang out of the way you have designed this blog post. Besides, I also like the image that you have put into this article; it is so connected into it. Also, the theme that you have put is so nice and appealing.

  7. I agree that it has its flaws aswell i personally have been attacked by the lack of communication between teachers cuz i cant really understand things alone i do better with supervision and is easily distracted

  8. I really like your theme, it caught my attention when I visited your blog. The chosen pictures included in your blog post adds to the comprehensiveness of your content. In addition, you have also done very well in your reference part. I am glad that the links to your references are included because I am now able to visit those sites from time to time. Keep up the good work!

  9. I agree with your ideas. Both teachers and students are experiencing difficulty due to this pandemic. I hope that this pandemic will end soon.

  10. Excellent work Alyssa Jade! Your article is on point and your blog is well-structured. You did a really great job because your ideas are well-presented. I do agree with you because your article speaks the truth about this new learning system. Continue spreading awareness. Keep up the good work! Stay safe and Godbless!

    1. I really like your theme! It helps your readers to read your content properly. And the image you inserted contributed for us to identify your point in this article. Proper citation is also observed. Great job! Keep it up!


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