Another quarter has quickly passed, just like that. In the 2nd quarter, we tackled the different HTML tags, and how to use them. We learned about the basic on how to compose an HTML file, as well as many different HTML tags and its uses. Because of the various activities given to us throughout the quarter, we've learned and practiced how to properly make use of the HTML tags. We have also continued to update our blogs with different recent topics going on in our municipality, and our country. It's always important to know and to understand the recent situations around us.

There were some problems I have encountered during the 2nd quarter's lessons, such as, learning and practicing the HTML tags without the guidance of someone knowledgeable around my family. But I was able to have dependable friends to help through to understand. And thus, once I got familiar with the tags, it has become easier for me in the long run. So I have my friends to thank for that one. Updating our blogs with different topics has also helped me gain more awareness on what is going around in my surroundings, as well as my country. 

Forward on, lessons such as these, I'll be using in the future. I will keep in mind those that I have learned and practiced during the 2nd quarter. I will also continue to do my best and my all in my studies, and to overcome challenges during it. And if I stumble and get stuck, I won't be ashamed to ask questions and for help. 


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