"Taking A Step Forward Into Being A More Resilient Philippines"

         No one or any nation is ACTUALLY immune or is safe from disasters and disaster-related losses. Such disasters like acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or even what the world is currently facing right now which is an infectious disease outbreak. These all lead to huge-scale consequences for the nation and the people. Thus, our nation then face difficult choices to better ensure security and quality of life against such disasters, whether it be deliberate attacks/human-made or natural-causing disasters.

        One of the things that can help a nation to be more resilient is to invest in enhancing resilience. The ability of a nation to be able to plan ahead for when the disaster happens, to be able to absorb the situation well, and to have a solution prepared after the disaster hits. Only then we could be prepared enough to handle the situation easily. This takes proper government planning, leadership, and the unity of the people to follow guidelines. So when a disaster hits, our nation would be prepared, and damages would be reduced. Understanding disaster risks can be the foundation into building a resilient Philippines. We must consider every risk or hazard and the effects it would have to our lives, our health, and our economical being. By understanding these factors, we would be able to come up with the best solution to manage these situations easily. For us to be able to bounce back and for us to not suffer through these disasters for long. By trying to be a more resilient country, there are many challenges to be faced. From the money to be able to invest in enhancing resilience, and the trust of the people to cooperate with our government. These could end up being the reason why the Philippines isn't as resilient as it could be.

        By enhancing resilience, we can reduce disaster-losses from better planning before the disaster happened, rather than try to figure out what to do AFTER the disaster hits. Increasing a nation's resilience isn't an easy task and requires the effort of the whole nation including its people and its communities. Yes, disasters will continue to occur in the future, and we can't avoid or stop it from happening for now. But what we CAN do is to prevent these disasters to cause larger damages by preparing ourselves and actual active actions from communities to enhance our resilience.

Citation and references:

  • l Susan L. Cutter,Bernard P Amadei, Joseph A. Ahearn, Patrick Crawford, Elizabeth A. Eide, Gerald E. Galloway, Michael Goodchild, Howard Kunreuther, Meredith Li-Vollmer, Monica Schoch-Spana, Susan C. Scrimshaw, Ellis M. Stanley, Gene Whitney, Mary Lou Zoback; “Disaster Resillience: A National Imperative (2012); pg. 24-25 & 209; https://www.nap.edu/catalog/13457/disaster-resilience-a-national-imperative

  • https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fheididening.com%2F7-easy-steps-to-strengthen-your-resilience-muscle%2F&psig=AOvVaw3IkUUaxbjJwWN1FSC7XNL4&ust=1604651892613000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNi57q-A6-wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  • https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theglobalfilipino.com%2Fremembering-haiyan-the-filipino-resilience%2F&psig=AOvVaw3J226AB9Zx78jSffQbKyXg&ust=1604651843452000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCLCvt5GA6-wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ


  1. Hi Alyssa, I like your work! It is jaw dropping and I also agree with you. Just like what you said, increasing a nation's resilience isn't easy, I'm sure that one day, our country will soon be able to stand strong and will be be able to reach a much higher level of resilience for our country to become a much better place. Nice work and I'm hoping to see more jaw dropping contents from you!

  2. I like your standpoint in this topic, it is very clear and well-thought-out. I agree that no country is actually immune to any kinds of disasters, but with resilience we can reduce the damage and loss from any kinds of disasters. Great work!

  3. Hello Alyssa! Your article is so great. All of your ideas are very well structured. Also, I totally agree that no one or any nation is actually immune or safe from disasters and disaster-related losses. Now that we are facing a crisis, all we need to do is to remained strong, help one another and fight as a nation. Have a good day!

  4. All of your ideas are well stated and clear. I really like how you come up with your ideas and I also agree that we should be prepared and actual active actions from communities to enhance our resilience. Great work Alyssa!


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