"Me, Myself, and I"


            Everyone around me has different things to tell about me, but only I know my true self. There are billions of people on this planet, and every person is different, and I’m just one of those billions of people. Yet, I try to be myself, be passionate about my dreams and hobbies, and to never betray my true self. I am the only one who knows myself best.

        As an introvert, I find peace in solitude, and in my alone time, I’ve spent countless days evaluating myself and who I am as a person (partly because of reading Jung’s Map of The Soul). I am quiet, I don’t like crowds, noisy places, and I prefer to be alone. But when I am with the selected few friends I am comfortable with, I become more bubbly and chatty. I am lazy and a very languid person. And in the times I spent alone, I had developed many hobbies. These include baking, dancing, singing, reading books, playing games, playing multiple instruments, needle work, bookbinding, different arts, and even calligraphy, from western to eastern. From these, I coil say I am a fast learner. I am also open-minded to many things and situations (perks of being an introvert) and a good listener for I don’t like idle chit chat. I am always searching for new knowledge about the world and am willing to try and experience different cultures and languages. I am a very imaginative person and would even often get lost in the books I read. I am emotional to things and people, I care about the people I love and would do anything for them. Spending time to evaluate myself has made me learn new things about myself and to know myself better. To know my strengths and weaknesses, and it has made me accept who I am as a person. I like who I am and that itself is enough for me.

                Everyone has a purpose in life, and one being to know oneself and to accept and love themselves. It is a hard and long road, I know. But I’m continuing down this path and gradually beginning to learn to love and embrace myself. Maybe in the future I will change, but that is just how life is. People and things change, it’s just a matter of time. I’ll end with a quote I love. “At the end of the journey to find myself, the place I reached is in fact, where I had already been. In the end, what I have to find is that which is the beginning of all things, the milestone: the map of the soul. That which is with anyone, but cannot be found by simply anyone, I seek to begin searching for it from now on.”

Citation: Quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIkZOLsnoqY


  1. Knowing and loving yourself is such a wonderful thing. I, myself can't describe my ownself . I really never know myself that well. I'm glad that you can describe who you are in detail. Though everyone changes, the very essence of their personality will never change;the soul of their being.


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